Arsonists and Used Matchsticks
light fuse,
run away.
9:06 AM, 40 Feet Remain
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Okay, I'm like a third done with the essay, which is due on Monday. Yea, that's just an update, but pains me to read this fucking anti alcohol-propaganda thing which passes for a "Source."

It's along the lines of...

If you drink alcohol you will get beaten up, get raped, get AIDS and then die in a car accident resultant from driving under the influence.

It paints a pretty picture of an alcohol free world. Wipe cheery pastel colors and you'll see a harsher reality.

Honestly, the way they talk about alcohol, It's almost as if they are trying to shift the blame from some people's inherent stupidity to alcohol intoxication.

Look, don't expect me to justify my sentiments because... I am tired and it is 1:30 in the morning.

Ahh, I have 800 more words to go... Then Radio... Then Speech...


Next Problem...

7:29 AM, Blockbuster! (Rated M18 for coarse language and extreme graphic violence.)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What To Do?

A) Radio
B) Essay
C) Speech
D) Do stupid shit with Lego Minifigures



Bravo: Ahhh! Dude what the fuck?! Stop chasing me man!
Alpha: Haha! Die noob!

Bravo: Oi! Get off you nutter!
Alpha: Stupid noob got pwned.

Bravo: Wait, how the fuck did you decapitate me with your bare hands?
Alpha: H4x0r.

Bravo: What the fuck give me back my head man!

To Be Continued... Or not...

Okay I was really fucking bored. This is the result of 15 minutes of messing around. Forgive the pathetic attempt at crude humour.

Disclaimer: No minifigures we're hurt in the making of this movie... Story... Er... Whatever it is... BECAUSE THEY ARE PLASTIC TOYS LAH OMG!

4:02 AM, Wednesdays

Today cannot possibly get any worse. It was a rapid succession of soul breaking. From school, all the way home.

Having some fucker pass thinly veiled insults, having pure failure rubbed in my face, being abandoned by my friend, having my iPod run out of battery on the 90 minute journey home leaving me with nothing to distract me from the nightmare that is my life.

It didn't stop at home, no it didn't. Dealing with idiot who loves to run his mouth without ever using his fucking ears and having a $600 Xbox 360 fuck up without a damn warranty.

I'd love for a million dollars to land on my head so I could just move into some cottage in the middle of some fucking countryside and do whatever I damn well please.

The termite infested roof beam in my house collapsing and crushing me in my sleep could only be the perfect ending to this Wednesday.

8:24 AM, SENSE
Monday, January 26, 2009

Sorry Marcus, could not resist.

7:24 AM, Some People Are Heroes, Some People Take Photos.

I really shouldn't have been there. I wasn't in the way or anything, but my presence was pointless. I stood amongst onlookers... Factory workers, Police, The Kiasu Singaporean. And there I stood, taking photos of the Firemen running all over the place.

Eventually, the Fuzz chased me off. But they weren't the only ones irritated at me. Someone, whom I assumed was a factory worker got ass pissy at me for taking photos. I mean, what did he want me to do, put out the fire with my camera?

Yea, I know the factory was on fire and all and it's like I wanted it to happen. But hey, it's on fire now and I'd like to take a few photos is it's all the same.

So, there's that. My first attempt at Photojournalism. Heh, I am such a wannabe photographer...

As for the poor quality, allow me to give excuses. I didn't want to use flash incase they got distracted and run over by a fire truck so I had to settle for shit shutter speeds. And for the grainy photos that's because I forgot to set my ISO and I was using a really fucked up telephoto lens.

1:51 AM, The Red Ring of Death

Maybe Microsoft thought they were being funny. Throw in a "The Ring" pop culture reference and make the Xbox 360 "General Hardware Error" indicator a flashing red ring. Fuck you Microsoft. Next time, I'll buy from Sony or hell, even Apple.

They'd probably make an iBox or something.

Anyway, the death of my only video gaming device is... Not that impactful? I am proud of myself. I do not need that infernal machine anymore.

As far as Life, The Universe and Everything is concerned. I am feeling satisfied. Things are going pretty good.

I really, really need a nice long vacation. 2 months maybe. Prague or Cuba. Or at least some time to go take some photos.

Freedom is only 2 essays, 1 speech and 1 radio capsule away.

11:59 PM, Everything is Beautiful in Black and White
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Black and White just looks plain better. So I BWed a lot of my old photos and here are my favourites. In reverse chronological order.

9:31 AM, Late Night Talkshow

You'd be surprised how little you know about the people around you until you actually take time really talk to them.

And really, talk isn't cheap. It's just not done enough. Why do so many people feel the need to DO things when they are with company. Can't people just sit down and talk? Not about shopping or celebrities or social drama.

10:18 PM, Birthday x2
Friday, January 23, 2009

First came Belle's Birthday! At Vivo City's Skygarden. It was a surprise party and she was pretty surprised. Nah we don't buy any of that "I had a feeling you'd be planning something like this" Belle. So we ate cake and played these hilarious games. And for the record Chemistry was never my favourite subject. I just liked practical because I was sitting next to The Scientist haha!

The Cake.

Belle, the Birthday Girl.





Preparing to eat the cake.

Jamie lunging for the cake!

Fee, Jamie, Aisyah, Shi, Belle.

It was getting late by the time Belle had to leave. Late is very subjective. So I called Kin and turns out the Night Was Still Young at Haji Lane. So I hopped on a train there and lounged around at Nabins with Zach and Company.

My usual glassy eyed stare.

Jill being Jill.

Markus and Kin.

Showing brotherly love.

Jill and Nicholas.

Denise, Kin, Rachel and Dinesh.

He sheshaed sheesha by the seashore.

And last but certainly not least... The Birthday Boy(Man) who is now 18 and with a haircut that make's him look like a 35 year old.

By the time most of us left, it was 1.30am. My mum was leaving for KL 7.30am so I headed to home.